Monday, 20 August 2007

5 DAYS....... GULP !!!!!!!!

At last route details are sorted.Daily milages and general directions have been done although there are minor details such as Bristol, Runcorn and Glasgow to iron out!!
Saturday night leaving Bala around 22.00 and driving all night to Lands End.
SUNDAY 26th .... Lands End to Okehampton.... 110 miles
MONDAY 27th.... Okehampton to Yatton ( Bristol)......... 100 miles
TUESDAY 28th.. Yatton to Monmouth .............. 95 miles
WEDNESDAY 29th.. Monmouth to Whitchurch...... 99 miles
THURSDAY 30th .. Whitchurch to Southport ..... 90 miles
Aiming to be at Yogis bedside by around 18.00. Aiming to be in his bed by 18.30 for a good nights sleep. Yogi can kip in his chair !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( REST OF ROUTE TO FOLLOW) Just to keep you interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Money is still coming in any donations gratefully received especially now Brian has stated he wants an all singing all dancing 4 wheel drive chair so that it will take him on to the rugby field in all weather conditions.

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